Monday, December 26, 2005

Boxing Day

"Boxing Day is an interesting holiday. Originally the day that the wealthy gave their leftover christmas goodies to the poor, it has now turned into THE sales event of the year. Everywhere that is, except New Brunswick. Here everthing is shut, closed, locked up tight. Everything except restuarants and gas stations. All the stores are shut and boxing day sales take place on the 27th. The interesting thing is that they are still called Boxing Day sales. I love the English language. You can use it to mean anything you want. Boxing Day isn't really the day after christmas, it's whatever day you decide it is. Cute, eh?

I use Boxing Day to tidy up from christmas, eat leftover turkey and mincemeat pie, visit family and start thinking about the new year. I always give a lot of thought to what I want the new year to be like and how I can make that happen. This takes more time than 15 minutes on new year's eve to write out my resolutions for the upcoming year. I do write resolutions. The amazing thing is that some years I actually keep them!

Some resolutions, I admit, show up year after year in the hopes that this year will be the year they are kept! One such resolution was flossing my teeth, everyone knows that doing this is a good thing. I knew for years and yet seemed unable to follow through for more than a couple of months. Well about 5 years ago there it was listed on my new year's resolution list and quess what? I actually kept it, not only for that year but for all the years since. I might miss a couple of times a year, but I always remember after one miss and back I go to flossing my teeth every night.

I am hoping that all my other unfullfilled resolutions that keep reappearing year after year, will be like teeth flossing, that one magical year I will be able to keep them and they will become another part of who I am. As I spend the next few days thinking over the past year and the changes in myself and contemplating the new year and the new me I want to be, I will also be thinking of you and of who you are becoming and hoping that you are enjoying the process of personal change as much as I am starting to. It no longer seems an uphill battle, a challange to overcome. Instead it has become a journey, one of personal discovery, that as each day passes, I am enjoying more and more. Maybe, just maybe, on this journey that you and I are on, we will meet and become friends. One can never have too many friends", I whisper.

Are you listening?


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