Friday, March 17, 2006

Conquering Fear

"Almost 15 years ago I was driving my sister's car in Jasper Park. I had her, my mom and my 2 children in it. It was raining and while carrying on a conversation, I slipped across the centre line and hit not one, not two, but three cars. No one was injured, but our car was totalled. In the years since, I have tried to drive on a couple of occasions, but I have always been terrified.

A week ago I reached a decision. I want to drive again. I don't want to let my fear control me. I have kept my driver's licence current, so that is not an issue. In the past week I have been out driving. Something surprising happened. I haven't been afraid. I think making up my mind that this is something that I really want is the key. If I want it, I won't let my fear overpower me.

Today I drove to the next town, on the back country roads and did just fine. It is a half hour drive and I actually enjoyed myself. My partner says that I am doing fine. It seems that driving is like riding a bike, once you know how, you don't ever forget. What fears have you overcome?" I whisper.

Are you listening?


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