Saturday, September 09, 2006


"You know what they say, "The best laid plans of mice and men go oft astray", well that sure sums up this past week. I had the best of intention when it came to my blog last Saturday and then Sunday came along! I found out that I am going to be a grandmother. My daughter, who moved home "just till she could find a place" is pregnant. So here we are, my partner and I were looking forward to having the place to ourselves, fixing up the downstairs into a room for a train and having our own life and pow! we get this. Now that we have adjusted to it we are okay, but the first couple of days were really hard.

We have offered her the option of staying with us until she finishes college, which will be two years. She has accepted and today was spent rearranging furniture to accomidate her needs and ours. My office, where I type this, will become the train room with one corner for me and my computor. She will take the bedroom downstairs for her and the baby when it gets here.

The young man who is the other half of this equation is having a hard time dealing with it. I have never seen anyone look so stunned in my life. "It wasn't suppose to happen" and "we took precautions" was his response. Like I told him, when is it suppose to happen? It just happens when it happens. Life has a way of finding a way. I don't know what his role will be in the future, but for now he is still around, trying to find his way.

Furniture is so much easier to rearrange than lives." I whisper.

Are you listening?


At 3:12 PM, Blogger Tori said...

Hey Alisa,
Just thought I'd comment that I really liked your last sentence : "Furniture is so much easier to rearrange than lives."
Very well put and very true!!



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