Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Treasure

"Years ago while I was a student putting myself through university, I worked at the public library. Here I got exposed to books of all kinds including those of poets that most people have never heard of. One of these poets was a litle 8 year old french girl, Minou Drouet. I was so impressed by her writing, that I kept a note of the name of her book for almost 30 years! Browsing one day I searched for her book and was surprised to find a copy. My partner bought it for me for christmas and I have been enjoying the incredible ability of this little girl ever since. I would like to share one of her poems with you.


Give me your hand at once
for I know a little corner
where we can rest apart
and nibble the shiny morning
like a strawberry tart.

Come to my dear otherwhere
where no one has ever been,
and I will gather
to fill your lap
the sad flowers of my dream.

The sea is my big garden,
and when I return my arms are full
of the flowers which border its dress
and their crystal
all smooth with cloud
fall down in A minor
round my heart.

The wind ploughs my garden
and under its big hands
I feel the green furrows deepen
on the round horizon.

Come quickly there
and surprise the voice
of the world's most lovely garden.
It dwells in a sail
the color of autumn and fire
which plays
on the sky's blue body
a chord
straining to the farthest distance
the highest
and higher still
straining to the same otherwhere
as my heart's inner despair.

Lovely isn't it?" I whisper.

Are you listening?


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