Wednesday, February 14, 2007


"My cold is better. I just have that annoying nasel drip down the back of my throat. It has been a cold, snowy day. Now it is raining. Suits my mood. I am having a very down day. Feel all alone and don't know why. Well, that isn't exactly true. My partner and I are going through a rough patch again. Today is Valentine's Day. I didn't do anything for my partner because it is always up to me and I am tired of it. He forgot it was Valentine's day until he was on his way home, so he stopped at the dollar store and got me a card. Brought pizza home for dinner, but they made a mistake and instead of "the works", I got an all meat pizza which was cold and tasted bad. A perfect ending to my down day! There are times I just wish I could sleep forever." I whisper.

Are you listening?


At 5:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

BIG HUGS!!!!!!!


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