Friday, October 31, 2008


"Tonight is Samhain or Halloween as it is more commonly known. Tonight the veil between us and those who have gone on before is thin, a time of remembrance of those whom we have loved. A time to say say their names so that they are never forgotten. Here are those who I remember tonight.

Jim Bertram - I miss you Jim. I am glad I got to say goodbye old friend.
Marilyn Farrell - I miss you my friend and think of you whenever I see a crow.
Braun Scott Woodfield
Crista Carlson
Sue Bone
Ruby Winn
Annie Lim
Louis Bryson
Roxie Bryson
Maude Kenyon
Willard Kenyon
Sarah Elizabeth Julian
Rachel Ann King
Daniel Wesley King
Rachel Mariah Julian
Lewis Julian
Floyd Julian
Claude Julian
Henrietta Wikelund
Axel Wikelund
Philip Wikelund
Kay Starky
Howard Wikelund
Karen Wikelund
Dorothy Wikelund
Erik Gustave Wikelund
karin Augusta Wikelund
Harold Wikelund
Edwin Wikelund
Ella Wikelund
Violet Wikelund
Lydia Catherine Julian
Alfred Clinton Julian
Muray Samuel Bunker
Lena Elisabeth Bunker

Thinking of you all," I whisper.

Are you listening?

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