Saturday, November 08, 2008

War, Inc.

"For a wonderfully satirical look at the war in Iraq, watch this movie "War, Inc." . It paints a perfect picture of the commercialization of war," I whisper.

Are you listening?

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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I am proud

"Today I am proud to be descended from over 300 years of Americans. I might have been the first member of my family born in Canada, but I was raised to feel American, a feeling that the last few years have made me ashamed of. Today I am no longer ashamed. I am hopeful. I believe that the world now has a future that will be good. Thank you America for voting for change, for voting for Obama," I whisper.

Are you listening?

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Monday, November 03, 2008

Garbage Warrior

"I just finished watching a wonderful documentary called "Garbage Warrior". It is about a man who builds houses that are completely off the grid. If I was a few years younger and not ill, it is something that I would most certainly do. I find the idea of self sufficiency and living off the grid so inviting. Not to be dependent on others for heat, water or food would be wonderful. Here are some more links about this fascinating man and his life's work - GaiamLife , EcoSherpa . Hope he inspires you", I whisper.

Are you listening?