Thursday, September 28, 2006


"My mom called today. I told her that Sarah was having bad stomach pains and was going to the hospital to get it checked out. While we were talking Sarah left a message saying that they had taken her right into emergency and would we please come. I called mom back to let her know and my eldest sister, the one with breast cancer answered. I was almost in tears and I asked her to please relay the information to mom. There was a long pause and then she said,"No-one asked me my opinion." I asked her about what. She said "I think Sarah should have had an abortion." I said that Sarah had worked all through that and had made her decision. My sister repeated "She should have had an abortion." I told her that I didn't need this right now and would she please let mom know. I then hung up. Mom called later and I asked her if she had heard the conversation, she said no, but that my sister had told her. I said that she had had no right to say what she did and my mom said that it was my sister's opinion and she did have a right to say it to me. So my question is 'does a person have the right to always state their opinion, no matter what the situation or how hurtful it might be?" I whisper.

Are you listening?


At 2:20 PM, Blogger Tori said...

I vote no!! There is a time and a place for everything. I would be fuming if someone did that to me.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Tori said...

Also, I should add that I don't think that anyone has the right to voice an opinion that they know will probably be hurtful unless they are asked for it!
Okay, that's my two cents anyway.

At 8:49 AM, Blogger Tapi said...

Everyone has the right to their opinion, they also have the responsibility to keep their damned traps shut if that opinion is going to infringe on the right of others to be happy. -=hugz=- Hope you enjoy being a grandmother, my advice is spoil the sprat, let sarah deal with it ;)
Lot o luv


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