Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Year Resolutions for 2007

"This year I feel far more positive about success with my resolutions than I ever have. Maybe because I feel good about last year and what a good year it was for personal growth. That after all, is what I believe that most resolutions should attend to. So here are mine for 2007 in no particular order.

#1 Work on my spiritual life - I will find time each day for some contemplative act, reading of a spiritual book, or spending time with others in a spiritual manner.

#2 Build an even stronger relationship with my daughter - As we have very different personalities, I will put aside what I like for some time with Sarah doing what she likes. I will really listen when she talks to me, involve my whole self in the conversation, not just my ears, but my heart and mind as well.

#3 Continue to work on improving my health and therefore my weight - I will follow my eating plan from Eat Right For Your Type and drink water on a much more regular basis.

#4 Having built a tenous relationship with my eldest sister, I will continue to nurture it's growth and developement.

#5 Actively work within the Peace Building Community here in Fredericton and help to change the attitudes towards peace as a way of life.

#6 Enjoy time with my partner and actively involve myself in the building of our model train layout.

#7 I will finish things I have started. I will again aim for one a month and see how I do. Next year I will be cheering instead of rolling on the floor laughing!

#8 I will continue to encourage the growth of my relationships with others. I will keep in touch with those whose company I enjoy.

#9 I will work even harder at being myself in ALL situations, not just those where it is easy or convienent.

#10 I will actively work on my genealogy, including talking to my mother about her past and recording what she tells me.

#11 I will write letters to all those in my life with whom I correspond in a prompt manner.

#12 I will find every opportunity to bring creativity into my life. I will let go of the past that says nothing but negative things about my abilities and I will try new things and not be a afraid of failure. What are your goals for 2007?" I whisper.

Are you listening?


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