"Wow, I am not quite sure how it happened but my advocacy of birth control has been taken by some to mean:
a) that I favour racism and eugenics
b) that I favour abortion as a solution when a women's career, education or relationship is jeopardised by her pregnancy
c) that I am a vegetarian
and last but by no means least
d) that I think the children of the third world should be allowed to die.
Wow, I thought that I was saying that the prevention of pregnancy was a good thing. That women should have the right to decided if and when they get pregnant.
Yes, I admit that I was also saying that if a women finds herself pregnant and is unable to take proper care of the child while she is pregnant and after the child is born, then an abortion should be a viable option. I do not think such a decision is easy to make, in fact it is probably the hardest one any woman can be forced to make. But it is a preferable option to bringing another unwanted and uncared for child into the world.
Now, to the unrelated comments on the relationship between humans and animals. I do NOT believe that humans are superior to animals, nor do I believe that animals were placed upon the earth to be in service to mankind. I believe that all living and non living things are part of an incredible interwoven web that depends upon each other for the survival of all. I believe that we all play a role in the dance of life and death and that none is more important than the other. Well, except that is for the humble ant. If all of humankind were to be extinguished only
SIX microscopic species that dwell inside humans would die off. However if all ants were to be killed ALL life on this planet would die. Makes you question man's superiority doesn't it?" I whisper.
Are you listening?
Note: Yes, I know I first mentioned animals. However, I was saying ALL life was "sacred", I was not discussing the relationship between humans and animals. That I will leave for a future disussion!